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The dream of
ice cream shopkeepers has come true

Double your shop’s profit!

No more waste!

If you’re concerned about your employees giving out free scoops or you’re wondering if the scoops they sold were oversized, worry no more:

Using Control  Ice you can find out how much of your daily ice cream production got sold and what’s the percentage that was not monetized!

This makes employee accountability easy so you can react to anomalies early on!

Our customers saved 8,747 euros per season on each ice cream shop using Control Ice!

Customer preferences

If you’re not sure what’s the best flavor to have it on stock?

Let your customers decide: 

Control Ice will rank your ice creams flavors based on customer preferences. This way you’ll know right away how well new flavors are perceived by the public, that makes experimentation less expensive!

Even more: It can predict the daily demand for each flavor in order to maximize your profits (based on your daily ingredients usage).

Using this product will give you significant market advantage
in overcoming your competitors since your customers will always
find their favorite flavors at your shop!

No more paperwork

If you’re tired of filling out those reports, warranties, delivery documents, etc.

Then just click and print: 

You can download all the necessary documents for accounting from Control Ice: ingredient consumption and costs, production and delivery documents, ice cream warranties are all printable any time.

All it takes is one click!

Our customers save one work hour each day by only using this feature!


An average tablet and internet connectivity are all that is required!

You can access the system from any browser from any tablet that is connected to the internet.

You can keep your current cash register!

How does it work?

There are 2 simple steps:

  1. The cook records the daily production into the system,
  2. The salesperson measures and records the weight of each pan at the end of the shift along with the income.

The system can track all ice-cream based products in your shop!

What’s the price?

It costs only 1 euro a day/ice cream shop.
Yearly subscriptions offer you even better deals!

What if I’m open only a few months a year?

You can put the system on pause while you’re off season, while you are not recording new data the system is completely free!

During this time you still have access to the previous season(s) statistics so you can review your seasonal performance any time.

It will work for you as well!

The system is built so it can be used at any ice cream shop, regardless of how are you selling ice cream (in scoops or in grams).

You can track any kinds of products with the system, regardless if they contain ice cream or not. This way you can track your whole shop’s performance, not just your ice cream’s. Note that tracking your “free” or complementary products has no obstacles either.

If you have multiple ice cream shops (selling points), but only one central kitchen it’s not a problem. The system can handle any number of ice cream shops linked to your account.

Our system has been continuously and thoroughly tested in the last two years at different ice cream shops and everybody learned to use it and to love it within a few days.

If you have any questions, reach out to our customer support at: +40 748 800 066 !


Aka the competition of Control Ice:

The pen and paper method:

You’re recording each pan’s weight and the produced ice cream in a notebook at the end of the day. This method takes at least 3 times longer than using Control Ice.

Keeping data in a notebook also means you will need to invest tremendous amount of time to get some statistics out of that. Having a good night sleep knowing that everything is kept safe and your statistics contain your last shifts data must worth a scoop of ice cream each day.

We think that your nights are worth more than the price of one ice cream…

Doing it in Excel spreadsheets


If you’re doing all right with computers you can come up with meaningful spreadsheets, though keeping business information safe while allowing your employees to record every day data will be challenging.

Control Ice started out like this, but we soon realized that employees can’t really handle it on a daily basis and it takes a lot of time if you want it to be up to date. And you still can’t access it from anywhere any time.

Point of Sale Systems

You can use smart registers and reckoning systems, but they will cost thousands of euros just to get started (POS system with register, printer and customized software).

This way you’ll have data on your produced ice cream, but you will still lack the statistics on flavor preferences and demand , ingredients stock and the amount of squandered ice cream, because these systems are not tailored for ice cream shops, but are more general purpose.